When it comes to what you put on your children's bodies, you are of course as careful as can be. In that same respect, I am also careful about what I use on my own body. I am not a fan of harsh chemicals, and that is why we have trusted Earth Mama Angel Baby since we had our daughter. Their products get fabulous Zero toxin ratings on Skincare database, and with good reason. One of my favorites (that the whole family uses) is the C-Mama Healing Salve. I like to call it "magic in a pot." It is all natural and we use it on everything from burns to scars to rashes. Earth Mama Angel Baby Says:
Our amazing bodies are naturally designed to close wounds, soothe inflammations and rashes, staunch bleeding, resist infection and fade scars. Yet sometimes even nature's perfection needs a helping hand!
You've got the mystical mark of a C-Mama. So for you, this revolutionary, clinically tested healing salve was created with 100% natural ingredients rich in Vitamin C, essential fatty acids and amino acids – all nutrients necessary for proper cell regeneration and wound repair. Formulated especially for cesarean section and other surgical wounds, old c-section scars and stretch marks, and inflamed rashes and burns.
Optimize your skin's natural healing power with C-Mama Healing Salve™.
Clinically Tested
Dermatologist Tested
Certified Vegan
My daughter recently decided scratch a bug bite until we thought it would never heal. I used C-Mama every single night for a week, and it not only stopped itching, it went away and left no scar. My daughter asks for it by name because it does not hurt like alcohol-infused antiseptic creams. I had her via c-section four years ago, and even this late in the game, it has done wonders for my scar. We cannot live without it.
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