If you have ever taken a long drive, or traveled anywhere with your little one, you know that you need to bring certain things along to amuse them. For us it has always been coloring items. My daughter loves coloring (so do I!), and it has been a saviour at airports, in airplanes, in restaurants and even long card rides. It could also get kind of messy. We would try to carry as many crayons, markers and books as we could, but I had to find a better way. I searched etsy.com and found Handcrafted Books by Michelle Saber. Her work is exquisite, and her fabric choices are a dream. I love that she makes kid items that are so unique and not too childish. I knew we had to have one of her Coloring Book and Crayon Totes. She was so friendly to work with, and the final item is gorgeous. We can fit a few coloring books, crayons, colored pencils and markers into this fabulous tote. I have to say, I wish I had one for myself. Creator Michelle told me one client plans to use hers when she babysits to keep the kids entertained.

If you are looking for some Easter Bunny goodies, make sure you check out Handcrafted Books by Michelle Saber (be sure to check our her other designs too!) and give yourself, the parent, a much deserved quiet plane, train and automobile ride; give your little artist a lifetime of creativity and traveling fun.
I love Michelle's fabric. May to need to gift some of these to my nieces!