Monday, March 21, 2011

Head in the Clouds

If your home is anything like mine, getting your child to sleep can be literally exhausting for everyone. My daughter likes to request that glass of water, or more books. From a very young age, we have tried to maintain a routine that is relaxing. From the first few months when she slept next to us in a bassinet to now, three and half years later. In the beginning we became fans of Cloud B when a good friend sent us the Sleep Sheep. The Sleep Sheep has four soothing sounds and a timer. Ocean waves helped us relax our little bundle of joy more than once (the sound was a good mimic of the fluids in the womb). In fact, my husband once requested it to help get him to sleep. That prompted us to buy the Sleep Sheep on the Go. It was perfect for attaching to her stroller and for taking along when we traveled to make her (and us) feel relaxed. It will come as no surprise that many of Cloud B products have won awards and are touted by Pediatricians and childhood specialist as a wonderful way to help your child sleep better.

Our newest Cloud B addition is the Polar Cuddle Cub. The Polar Cuddle Cub is made from eco-friendly anti-bacterial Soy-based fabric. Inside, her has a heart shaped vibration device with 2 rhythmic options including a heartbeat sound that can be activated with a hug, or on constant stream with a timer. The hands and feet are made from foam. Each Polar Cuddle Cub comes with an adoption certificate. The Polar Cuddle Cub is part of the Cloud B Endangered Species Series, so a portion of the purchase goes to an international wildlife organization.

I am not usually a huge fan of battery-operated toys, but this Cub feels so natural. My daughter likes to cuddle him while we read to her, and she often asks us to set the timer so she can hold his hand while she falls asleep. I love that he is also made with natural fibers. He is the perfect bedtime companion. No blinking lights, no loud noises, just natural heartbeat and vibration to soothe her to sleep. We are a Cloud B home, and will continue to have our head in the clouds.

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