You might not know this, but even in the spring, the East Coast still gets pretty darn cold. Even a nice little walk around usually means a light coat and a blanket for Product Baby in the stroller. We have a Maclaren Techno, and we love it. It is super light-weight, easy to use, and accommodates a taller child with ease.
Our only issue was that every time we have used a regular blanket in a stroller of any kind, we either lose it, or end up completely destroying it because it slips and we run it over. After being burned one too many times with using a blanket to cover my daughter, I finally decided a footmuff was the way to go. I knew I wanted something super warm, but easy to use. Of course, I had to go back to Maclaren. There is a reason people have been buying the Maclaren brand for years…they are a name you can trust for top-quality items that are made with your child in mind. We got a Techno XT Footmuff to match our stroller, and we love it. It is fleece lined and super comfy for my child. It keeps her warm, and if she does not want it covering her, we can easily unzip it. You can also buy many different colors in the Universal Footmuff selection-to match or spruce up your stroller. There is even a lighter-weight Universal Packaway Footmuff that is better for milder weather when a little something is needed to cover your little one.
As the news is spreading about the torrential downpours the East Coast keeps getting hammered with, I feel lucky to have our wonderful stroller, and the Footmuff to keep my daughter safe and warm. All Maclaren strollers come with rain covers and they can be used to protect little ones from rain and even sand-storms. And if you really want to take your Maclaren stroller to the next level, grab one of the Comfort Packs which are a head rest and shoulder packs. The make it a lot more comfortable if you child wants a nap in the stroller, and yes vainly, they make the strollers look even more amazing.
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