The new eco-friendly Poof! is the perfect place to sit and read with your little one. The Poofs are shipped flat and then you can use whatever material you want to stuff them. Zid Zid did this to reduce their carbon foot print. You can use durable recycled goods, such as magazines, newspapers, paper and plastic grocery bags, old clothes or even old stuffed animals to stuff your Poof. This also helps teach children that what is old becomes new again, and the many uses of recyling an item. The Poof is made from phthalate-free vinyl and has a 100% reclaimed fabric interior lining. We are big on reading together, and storytelling in my home, and our poof is the perfect spot. I love the modern funky design, and we stuffed ours with an old comforter we were reluctant to get rid of, but did not use anymore.

Our other new favorite Zid Zid item is the new line of Education For All Tote Bags. These bags are functional and funky. They carry everything from books, to groceries (and I personally made mine the new baby bag for summer). Zid Zid donates 10% of the sale of each tote to Education for All, a non-profit that assists girls in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco to continue their education. They are 100% hand-dyed cotton canvas with a 100% leather handle, and phthalate-free appliqué with cool embroidery. I fit everything but the kitchen sink into mine. I am officially naming them a summer must-have accessory. Product Mommy hath spoken.
I am so enchanted with this company. They bring funky handmade items to a different level of fun!
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