I am a huge fan of baby blankies. I think they bring a sense of security and love to a child. With a toddler who will soon be entering preschool, I have come to realize even more, how much that little comfort items means. Happy Blankie was founded by David Holdridge. He created Happy Blankie with a mission based on the simplest, but hardest childhood lesson…sharing! For each Happy Blankie you purchase, a blanket is donated to a child in need. The program is called “ONE to Love, ONE to Share”, You even get to decide where you would like to give a blankie. . When you receive your blankie you will be able to follow the instructions on the "giving is cool" tag in order to donate your second blanket.

There are currently four designs (and many sizes) to choose from.

So whether you want a dog, pig, frog or bear, remember one for you and one to share. What a wonderful way to comfort your little one, while making a difference.

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