We got the Starlight Child, which was featured in Mothering Magazines Best Natural Toys of 2009! Each doll is designed with whatever hair colors, etc. you choose, and made from upcycled wool sweaters and organic cotton and stuffed with new wool from a local mill. Mohair hair peeks out from beneath the elfin cap. I have been looking for a doll that my daughter would get really attached to, and turns out, this is the one. I hardly had her out of the box and my daughter was grabbing it. She sleeps with her "Starfish" every night and always comes out in the morning holding her Starlight Child. It has simple Waldorf features, and is beautifully handcrafted.
We also got a felt crown for dress-up (a beloved activity in my home) and the wool crown is easy to get on and off, and you can even customize colors.

After the Starlight Child, I was sure it could not get any better, then we opened the Lyra Wax-O-Glass. It is a set of 10 crayons your child (and you)can use to decorate windows, and they wipe off very easily. My artist decorated by walls as well, and it came off easier than regular washable crayon. I will be stopping at Walking Stick Toys often to stock up on goodies I want my child to be around.
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