I love anything that helps me communicate better with my child. I find the sometimes a little spoonful of fun makes her do the things she is not so fond of, like letting me brush her teeth or helping to clean. That is probably why I am in love with Folkmanis. As far as puppets go, there is not a better selection out there. From simple stage puppets to real-life looking hand puppets, and finger puppets they have it all. We are animal lovers here in Product Mommy land, and our first Folkmanis was a Polar Bear, and the collection has expanded from there. Folkmanis is always bringing out new designs and they are all hard to resist.
Our newest puppet friends are the Hermit Crab, which is probably hands-down the coolest puppet I have ever seen. It looks like the real thing, and it makes my daughter giggle like crazy. So far Hermit Crab has joined us for dinner and bed time, where he “read her a book.” This Hermit Crab brings summer home, and makes everything more fun. Our other new friend is an adorable Standing White Rabbit. This rabbit looks like the real thing and is a great pal to read Goodnight, Moon with! During a particular tooth brushing struggle, Rabbit jumped in and brushed her teeth.
Puppets are a great way to help children learn, read to them and make an argument dissipate with a little bit of fun. There is no greater resource for puppets than Folkmanis!
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