Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Evi Dolls...Dolls With Real Heart

Evi Dolls are beautifully handcrafted Waldorf style dolls made in Brazil by the Atelier de Bonecas. It began in 1988 as a business to teach handicrafts to single moms and poor families. They could make the dolls at home and still take care of their children. Soon people with disabilities who were not able to meet demands of the job market were included in the endeavor. As Evi Dolls became more popular worldwide, the disabled were not getting the care they needed, so the Associacao Benificente Parsifal was founded in 1991 dedicated exclusively to children and adults with special needs. The women are paid fair wages and are helped by the Atelier to secure their stability for them and their families.
The Evi Dolls are so simple, yet they speak so much to the heart of a child. Their simple expressions allow your child to make up their own feelings and stories about the doll. They are made of natural fibers and are soft and cuddly enough to become a bedtime comfort item for your child.

We have a few Evi Dolls. and I could not be happier. There are dolls for both boys and girls. The little gnomes and fairies and elves allow imagination to run wild. Nova Natural is the wholesaler that brings these dolls and so many other wonderful brands to us (Kinderkram, Grimm, Spiel & Holz). I love the Sachet Dolls (pic above) because they are filled with lavendar and quartz sand and are a nice toy to lay on your child's pillow before bedtime to impart the relaxing scent. Perhaps my favorite from the dolls is the set of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. . Snow White and her dwarf friends can all stand on their own, and the set offers a break from the over-marketed Disney versions. Your child can play with natural materials and make up a fairytale of their own. My child also uses the elves for learning her colors and for a counting tool. There is not better way to bring an imaginative toy into your and your child's life, while helping to give respect and work to mothers.

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